October 10, 2005

another 29 year old

Hello everyone!

I had a really great weekend. Friday night I played some cards with Elaine & Dave and then we watched Hitchhiker's Guide to the Universe which was really funny & clever. I definitely need to re-read that book as it's been years.

Saturday morning I watched an episode of Globetrekker on Chile & Easter Island. It's a travel show on PBS and I've recently discovered that I can get them through Netflix. I went over to see Elaine and give her some presents as Saturday was her 29th birthday. We all hung out and ate lunch and played video games and got ready to leave in the afternoon. Around 3:30 people started arriving at their house so we could carpool/caravan up to Trout Lake. It's such a beautiful drive up the Gorge and then part of the way up Mt Adams. It's one of my favorite drives and it's especially beautiful in autumn.

We arrived at the Inn. I just love going up there. We know so many great people up there and it's is so relaxing. We ordered some food and hung out and talked. A band was in town from Portland and they played and we would dance until we were tired then later dance some more. The bass player's children were all over the dance floor playing air guitar and doing knee slides across the floor. Both the Hilbert girls hurt their knees trying to imitate them! During one of the band's breaks the Inn staff brought out cake with candles, Wampler played his accordion and we sang for Elaine's birthday. It was really fun and omigod they have the best cheesecake with huckleberry sauce. We had some more beers and danced some more and were thankful that it wasn't very cold up there. I am excited though to go up when it's snowy and cold. It'll be a great place to do some snowshoeing!

Most of us stayed at Wampler's house just a few blocks from the Inn. In the morning Elaine made a wonderful, huge breakfast for everyone. Mt Adams stayed hidden in the clouds the whole time even after the sun broke through. We had a great time though and the drive back was really beautiful. I got home and showered and unpacked then watched "Trainspotting" before driving to Sellwood to meet up with Jess. She leaves on Wednesday morning for 3 weeks in Italy & Slovenia. She's traveling by herself and was both excited and nervous. She'll be meeting up with family in Slovenia. Her grandmother has been corresponding with them for years so it's really incredible that Jess will actually meet up with them. We walked to the New Seasons by her house and ordered yummy sandwiches which we ate in their outdoor seating area. Back at her house we looked through some of her travel books and I quizzed her on how to say "please" and "thank you" in Slovene. Prosim and Hvala...now you know too!

On my way home I stopped by Elaine & Gina's house to hang out with them for a little bit before going home to sleep.

So please let me know what you've been up to and how you are!



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