October 03, 2005

recording setting rainfall


I had a very mellow weekend here. Friday night I watched some episodes of the Sopranos and made myself dinner. Later I went over to Elaine & Gina's house. They had recently bought a bunch of games called Go Go TV. There's a small camera that puts your image in the TV screen with the game itself. We played tennis & whac-a-mole. There are sensors on the tennis racket & mallet that detect if you're hitting the target. We also played the bubble popping game and Break-a-Brick. We looked hilarious jumping up and down in the living room when John drove up. Believe it or not these games are actually work-related for Elaine. I could try and explain what she does but I won't...computer forensics, performing magic with machines, reading total gibberish and making some sort of report out of it, etc etc. We all played for a while before moving on to some card games. Dave joined us later when he got home. It was a fun night with lots and lots of rain outside.

Saturday I watched some more Sopranos episodes. I went to Trader Joes for some groceries then I talked on the phone with several far away friends. Camille & I watched a great documentary about the making of Paul Simon's Graceland. I then went over to Elaine & Gina's house. Gina & I played video games. They also bought a little console that has several classic arcade games (Galaga, Ms PacMan, Pole Position). Our favorite game for some inexplicable reason is called Mappy. I never saw played this when I was a kid but as an adult I've become strangely addicted. It's totally silly & fun. Elaine & Dave came back from the gym and we made a wonderful dinner of grilled chicken, a giant Caesar salad, grilled onions & mushrooms & yummy wild rice/basmati mix. It was really yummy and we drank some red wine. We decided to just stay in and play games. We were playing cards when Molly & Andy stopped by. We set them up on some Go Go TV games. It's so hilarious to watch people play these games! Later some of Dave's frisbee golfing buddies (including Brian the reigning Frizbee Masters champ) came by to hang out for a while. Brian bought his adorable puppy with him. Our quiet night at home turned into a really fun night with lots of friends.

Sunday I was invited over by Dave for his wonderful eggs. They really were wonderful...cream cheese in the eggs!!! We drank coffee & played video games. I passed on joining Dave at a new frisbee golf course in Newberg since it was supposed to rain more and I am currently without waterproof shoes. I don't mind playing in the rain if I can at least have dry feet. We read the Sunday paper and played Mappy and watched tv. Elaine made a great late lunch/early dinner of the best chicken salad on pita with avocado. We watched an episode of Globetrekker about the Mayan culture in Central America.

So that was my weekend...pretty calm and very rainy. Tonight I'm going to the Franz Ferdinand concert. It should be tons of fun! Please let me know what you've been doing and how you are! I'll post a few pictures in the couple days.



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