June 06, 2005

my legs are sore from shoveling

Hello everyone!

The weather here sucks. It's been cold and rainy. We don't get to see the mountains or feel the sun on our faces. I'm sick of it! It's June! Anywhooooooo Friday there was a bit of sun so Elaine, Gina & I sat in the backyard soaking it up before it set and got to chilly. We made a great dinner of sandwiches and soup and then watched a movie.

Saturday I got up at 6:45 in the morning to go frisbee golfing. We are dedicated! It was Elaine, Dave, Terry & I that went. We left at 7:30 for Dabney where we got in 18 holes of early golf. There were tons of bunnies and no people out there. It felt great to squeeze in a game. I got home and quickly took a shower before going over to Erin & Terry's house. Erin and I went shopping for garden tools and tons of plants. She got veggies, herbs and flowers. We got back to her house in the afternoon and surveyed the backyard. They had just bought the house and the backyard has 6 big raised beds that were choking with weeds. We started pulling weeds. Later in the afternoon more people showed up and took over weed pulling duties. We started getting stuff planted and it was really an incredible transformation. They will have a great garden for the summer! After all the hard work we grilled out and relaxed while looking at our fine work. I'm so excited for them. As the sun set it became quite chilly and I left finally just because I was too cold from sitting outside for too long. Gina & I went back to her house and laid on the sofas where we watched Saturday Night Live and fell asleep. I woke up around 2 AM and drove myself the few blocks home.

Sunday I planted a few more veggies in my garden (pole beans, garlic and another zucchini). Later I went over to Elaine's and we watched "I'm trying to break your heart", a documentary about the band Wilco. We made sandwiches for lunch and watched another movie, Napoleon Dynamite. We played Skip-Bo and complained about the weather (cold and rainy). Ben came over and we decided to grill out for dinner. I just love steaks on the grill! We then watched Finding Neverland which is a really great movies. Sunday was definitely movie day!

So that was my weekend! I'm hoping for sun any day now...

Please let me know how you are and what you've been up to!



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