June 01, 2005

I am 29

Hello everyone!

I had an extra-long birthday weekend! I spent Friday laying on a blanket in the grass in my backyard soaking up the sun and reading. I definitely got a little pink but it felt so good after the wet, chilly spring we've had. It topped out somewhere in the 90's that day but I knew it would cool off soon enough. Friday night I went to Elaine's house were we ate spaghetti al fresco as the sun set. We then enjoyed the evening cool down and talked and hung out in the backyard.

Saturday was Dave's birthday. We were determined to grill out that night. After shopping around for a grill for Elaine to buy we decided to just pick my grill from my friend Chris' garage. Elaine and I also stopped by Erin and Terry's new house to see how they were coming along with unpacking. Dave got a bbq feast for his birthday of t-bone steaks and roasted veggies and garlic bread. The meal was sublime. Gina, Ben and Camille and I got to enjoy Elaine's strawberry shortcake made from fresh Oregon berries. yummmmm Later we watched Meet the Fockers which I didn't think was very funny. oh well.

Sunday Gina treated me to a pedicure for my birthday...my first ever if you can believe that! I have lovely pink toenails! We then got fresh strawberry milkshakes while we drove to the fruit stand to buy more Oregon strawberries. It was the weekend of the strawberry! That night we went over to our friends Adam and Bridget had a bbq. They both are cooks so it was a great meal of philly cheese steaks cooked on the grill. Dessert was strawberries and whipped cream. I had a great time talking to some friends that I hadn't seen lately. After it got dark Bridget started a fire in their outdoor stove and we gathered around it and talked.

Monday a group of 6 of us went frisbee golfing at Dabney. It was a great time and I had fun despite my wet shoes. After golf we stopped at a great Mexican restaurant for lunch. Later that night I went over to my friend Jess' place in Sellwood. We talked and then went out to dinner at a place near her house.

Tuesday was my birthday. I slept in then read my book. I talked on the phone with my mom for a while then Gina picked me up and we met Elaine for sushi. They gave me a frisbee golf bag which I really needed for carrying my discs around. After lunch I went shopping on Hawthorne for a little bit. I went over to Elaine & Gina's in the afternoon and we prepared our Tuesday night dinner and played Skip-Bo. I talked on the phone with more friends and then we ate our stupendous dinner...pork chops and applesauce, baked potatoes with broccoli and homemade cheddar cheese sauce and a huge caesar salad. For dessert I was extra spoiled...Erin made an apple-strawberry crisp and Elaine made strawberry shortcake.mmmmmm I'm one lucky 29 year old!

So that was my super long weekend! I hope you all had a nice weekend! Please let me know how you are and what you've been up to!



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